Type A

CV Formatting

We all know what a CV should contain, and in general terms, how it should be arranged on the page. In spite of knowing all the technicalities, people still commit the mistake of writing CV with the same headlines, the same order of ideas, and the same general matter in a dull business language.

In this way, the CV looks indeed as a poor copy of a standard template.



What should be?

The formatting should be backed up by the right information of course, but in order to have a good flow of ideas, the CV should have a building-up style of presentation. You start at the personal details, or educational qualification, extra curricular activity, and slowly build up to show how your talents are best suited for the job at hand.

How it looks?

Bullet points look perfect when listing job responsibilities, or personality traits, or overall achievements headings. However, if the bullet points do not have an anchor that explains what they are, it will be difficult for the CV to really hold the prospective employer’s interest.

How we do?

We arrange the CV in the client’s own desired format. Whatever format is made available, CV’s can be arranged. Like some company wants professional experience should be copied with the logo of the company where candidate has ever worked. So, we have to find out the company’s logo or relevant picture to create an impact on the employer. Every company has own designed format with the motto that CV looks fine, precise and concise.

What you have to do?

You have to send the most urgent CV’s which have to produce to the employer in a day or same day along with the desired format. We put all content of the CV’s in appropriate manner and revert back to you with formatted, nicely looking, and concise CV’s within stipulated time.